Karli’s Sweet Sixteen at The Cupsaw Clubhouse

Karli’s Sweet Sixteen at the Cupsaw Clubhouse was a night to remember,

and here’s why…

Johnny Bobev & Doug of Luminique Events Group say it doesn’t matter WHERE you’re AT, but WHO you are there WITH, and Karli’s Sweet Sixteen at the Cupsaw Clubhouse shows you why…!

and that is the truth

Don’t get us wrong; an extravagant fairytale event is one way, but what if you are just trying to dance and celebrate for a few hours…? Karli’s Sweet Sixteen at the Cupsaw Clubhouse showed us exactly what to do; get a local hall, let your friends know, and get the right entertainment 😉

Instead of the standard 4 hour reception that we normally cater too @ Luminique Events Group, Karli’s Sweet Sixteen at the Cupsaw Clubhouse was a 5 hour reception! Packed with traditions, home-made food, and of course a Luminique Events Group PACKED DANCEFLOOR…

Such an awesome family and radical group of friends; you know you are somewhere special with someone special when EVERYONE is smiling and having a good time!

we live in such a crazy time, so we need to cherish the good times we come across

Karli’s Sweet Sixteen at the Cupsaw Clubhouse was a no doubt celebration for the books. One of the guests came up to Johnny & I afterwards as we were breaking down the set up and asked us…

” who had the bright idea of a party only being a few hours?! “

Make sure you peep the recap right below VVVV go subscribe on our Youtube Channel to stay up-to-date on all of our awesome parties and check out our other Social Media Outlets @luminiqueeventsgroup ! See you at the next legendary Sweet Sixteen…

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